My lfs guy said....


My lfs told me that because I use a fuge under my main tank and have to use a pump to return the water that it is a waste becasue the pump is ruining all the benificial things in the water from the fuge. He said put it above my tank and let it surge. Well that is fine and all but I am not about to do that. I think he is off his rocker. Any comments......


Active Member
A surge tank is VERY difficult to build and maintain.
I would love to see some plans he has though.


I keep LR rubble and seaweed in my sump and there is no problem, just be sure to uce some sort of strainer in the pump intake just incase part of a plant gets loose


I appreciate all the post, I didnt think he was acurate. But it is re assuring to hear confirmation.
A surge tank is VERY difficult to build and maintain.
I would love to see some plans he has though.
A surge tank is VERY difficult to build and maintain.
A surge tank is VERY difficult to build and maintain. A surge tank is VERY difficult to build and maintain.
As far a s that is concerned I believe ya cause he tried drawing me pictures and explaining and totaly losing me at the same time!
I dont plan on going back he had enormus if this hobby aint expensive as it is!!!!!!:eek: