My Lfs

ok my lfs has a lot of 20 gal tanks with fish in them but some have dead fish i nthem that doesn tell me that the fish are healthy at my lfs dirty and she i not buy from them any more?


Active Member
It really depends on how the fish act and the the store's reputation. It is hard to go by whether there are dead fish in the tank because one store might have someone continually pulling dead fish so it looks like they never have any die, and another store might just be a little lazy or normally dont loose many fish so they dont check as often. Also depends on the type of fish...


i wouldnt. i would get fish from the tanks that there isnt any diseases or deaths. wait 4-6 days before buying from the tank, if there still isnt any deaths, or signs of diseases, go for it.


Just another argument for NEVER allowing the LFS water to mix with your own system, and for Quarentine.
This public service anouncement was brought to you by: ME :)
I would find another LFS. Thats just bad buisness to show your customers that you leave dead fish in the tanks. The ammonia should be spiking in those systems. Better to Q-tank your new arrivals and get them from the U-Build it section from here.


Active Member
Sometimes my LFS has tanks with sick or dying fish in them. However, they refuse to sell fish from those tanks for until they are all healed (normally a month or 2 down the road) or they die and healthier fish are added. Sometimes they won't even sell the new fish because they were in the bad tanks. That's one reason why I trust my LFS. I haven't bought a SW fish from there yet becuase I am waiting for the tank to cycle, but I have rarely lost a FW fish from them. :)


The key word here is TRUST. You need to find one where you can trust the person to be honest with you and not just be out to make a buck Luckily I have one where i trade that has not steered me wrong yet but I guess there is always a first time for everything.;)


Active Member
I know it's usual to slam a LFS but I thought I would share this.
One of my LFS will not sell a fish until they've had it for 2 weeks. No exceptions!
Does that guarantee anything? No. But, the guy does want to make sure his animals are doing ok before he lets someone adopt.
I think that's cool.:)


Its a fishstore out here who qtines all his new arrivals also for two weeks or more to ensure good health, he's kinda pricey but probably well worth it. He's also has a huge hammer coral which he had for I think over 10yrs or more that sucka is huge been in three different tanks because of how big it is..
Theres another out here who corals look like crap their fish look good though. They have more sales on corals because how bad they look (most of the time).