My light won't come come?

One of my halide bulbs won't come on. It was flickering on and off, so I turned it off and when I turned it back on...nothing. The two halides have separate ballasts, and the thing is only a couple weeks old. Any ideas how to fix it? I know nothing of lighting except turning switches on and off


Active Member
Most MH bulbs need to cool a bit before you can fire them back up again.
Let the system cool for 15 or 20 minutes then try turning on again. Its typical.
Edit- let whole system cool and switch ballasts and see if you might have a bad ballast. (same results with other bulb). Just use proccess of elimination as best possible to identify if it is an electronic issue or just a bunk bulb.
If the bulb is flickering like it doesnt want to fire then dont just let it sit and flicker, its very hard on the bulbs and can shorten the life dramatically. Keep us posted and hopefully its just something silly.


Active Member
That's just what I see based on your post. If the other bulb works just fine on the second ballast and you switched the non working bulb to that ballast and still no light, then 1+1=2 :)
Took it apart and fiddled with the bulb, put it back together, heaved it back on the tank, now it works. Thanks everyone for your help...I'm a little electrically remedial :)


Active Member
Yep,..sounds like time for a new bulb.
What brand is the bulb? If cheapo then forget about it and buy some decent bulbs. If its a good name brand bulb, then you might try giving the maker a call for replacement.
Good luck


Active Member
If it is a double ended bulb sometimes if you don't seat them correctly that will happen. Did you just set it up - put new bulbs in? Maybe it just wasn't in correctly.
It wasn't. I must've jarred it when I put it back on the tank after the water change (thing is heavy). I fiddled with it, and now it works...Thanks guys!!!!