my lights and corals


Active Member
I posted this earlier on the reef but no response. I don't think they like to deal with "nano" people :nope:
Anyways, I have two 20 watt 50/50 coralife mini compact bulbs in my tank. I don't want to change them as I just bought them. I would like to know what types of corals besides mushrooms I can put in my tank that will do well?
Also, is there any type of anenome that will live in these light conditions? If so please list name.
Deb :happyfish


I had the same bulbs over my 10 gal.... I kept zoos, mushrooms, torch, frogspawn, and ricordia. I never had eny problems, but I recently upgraded to the coralife 96 watt. I did this because I feel that the more light would induce my coral growth as well as enhancing the colors. It DEFINATELY made a difference. If you are at all interested I have an extra coralife 96 watt for sale CHEAP! Let me know if you are ever interested!