my lion fish did something very weird last night.....

i was watching him cuz he was acting different.. then suddenly he start waving back and worth (looked like how a shark swims) but stayed in one place. then he did it faster and released a bunch of white yolk looking stuff with little white dots all over in it.
i am very confused about what just happened lol.
anyone know?


This is normal. Lions shed their outer skin layer every so often. But it shouldn't have white dots on it. Does the lion have ich?

salt life

Active Member
The 2 lions i had did that, They would do what you described or swim across the tank really quick and behind them would be like clear slime stuff

saka bra

whoa, i remember my foxface would used to do something like that and some kind of like slime would come off him. I dont have him any more, i got rid of him, but was that normal?