my little boy has a spot on his lip


hi, i dont really think its ick, its only one spot on the lip. could this be ick?? if not, what could it be??? He seems to be eatting good.



Staff member
Is that raised? As if attached to the fish? Or is that the flesh is scraped? Use a magnifying glass and take a real good look.


Its so hard to tell, he wiggles soo much, just like a little kid. its kinda like a pimple. it looks a little smaller tonight. I took a mantis out of my tank yesterday, and it was in the rock above thier bed. could the mantis have hurt it.


Staff member
Well, mantis will bite, but usually they are killers. How did you catch it???
How long have you had these fish?


The mantis was small, about an inch inch and a hlf. I saw it eating a snail, hiding in a hole in a piece of live rock.. I took the rock out, and put it in a 10 gal i had just set up. The mantis came out of the rock after a day, and i took the rock out really quick. now it is in a 10 gal with nothing else in it.
I have had the female for about 6 mo, and the little male for about 5 months. they get along really well, and stay in thier little mushroom together. the male is about an inch long.


Staff member
Hmmm. I would imagine that if this was a parasite, it would have reared its ugly head way before now, but it does look like a single parasite tangling from the fish's mouth. Try offering some heavy feedings with garlic soaked meaty food 3x a day. Freshly minced garlic, perseving the juice to soak the food in. Soak in fridge for 20 mins.


Staff member
You may want to consider a homemade receipe such as what I have in the FAQ. It works very well with garlic and providing fish with optium nutrition. I can attest to clowns loving it.


I ussually have homemade in the freezer, but ran out. I bought shrimp and scallops friday, but just havent made any up yet.
shrimp, scallops, garlic, zoe, sometimes i add sea veggies.
anything else i should add.


Staff member
There is a bag of fronzen seafood mix sold at the grocery store that is really good [and cheap]. It has cuttlefish, octapus, squid, shrimp, etc. A good mix. Use seaweed if you want to add vegetable matter.
Also try using zoecon, but don't add it to the mix, just add it when you are going to feed.