My little clown is acting different? Is she sick?


I've had 2 true percula clowns for 2 months. They've been doing fine.
Today when I came home I noticed that one of my clowns was at the bottom of the tank and she looks like she's gasping for air.
I checked my water and everything if fine pH 8.2, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10 and Salinity 1.024 temp 79 degrees, Ammonia 0.
I am going to do a water change, but I don't know what could be wrong. She didn't appear to eat a lot this afternoon.
I tried a variety of things, and she nibbled very little. She does swim around, but she does hang around in the corner.
Haven't added new tank mates and haven't done anything different.
Please advice,
Marguerite:( :confused:


do you notice any agression from other tankmates? take a good look at her and see if any fins look tattered? what kind of damsels?also how big is the tank? give us a little more info.


is it eating is my first question. 2nd is if its swimming right. 3rd is why isnt this in the disease and treatment forum?


Active Member
Is it a very small fish? I have had 2 very small false percs do almost the same thing. One is doing it now. I don't really know why, no agression, but mine has gone like this. Will swim some across the tank, but will stay mostly in the corner. Stops eating, gets thin and then ends up dying. I have found if they are very small and stop eating then they don't usually make it. I just can't get them eating again. No matter what I try. Unfortunately, I am going through the same thing right now. I hope I'm wrong about yours. I won't buy a little tiny one again if this ond doesn't make it. :(


New Member
I am courious how your false perc had faired through the "no eating & hanging around in the corner" phase...I have a fish only tank and the false perc had be was added 5 weeks ago. Two weeks ago it started doing the same thing in the posts.
0 amonia, nitrate 25/ppm, of 4/11/03
I had low ph of 7.8 and then buffered it to 8.2 since then the fish is eating a bit (enough to keep alive), but still hanging in the corner of the tank by the power head...
hope you see and read this post....


Thanks for everyone's response. I am surprised that I'm not alone.
We have been trying desperately changing the food a bit at each meal and hoping that my clown will start eating again.
The clown that is sick is actually the larger of my clowns. My smaller one is actually eating pretty good.
What we are doing is changing the food for more variety. She nibbles a little, but isn't too interested. She will put food in its mouth and then spits it out.
What food does everyone feed there clown fish?


New Member
The type of food I use are frozen brine shrimp & Tetramin small granules...
Recheck your ph...I balanced mine out last week and that seemed to help out my false perc. My damsels are doing fine...
THe clown fish ate well today vs. late last week. Hang in there!