My male Perc killed himself!!!!


Active Member
I am in the process of moving and when I went back to my old apartment (where my tank is....until Saturday it least), I found my poor Rudy dead on the carpet.
He and his mate (Toni) had just produced their second batch of eggs too!!! I know is sounds silly, but I swear she was swimming all around the tank looking for him.
Those two were my first two salt water fish that I ever had so I am really upset about this.
To top it off, they had just started breeding and I was all ready to start rearing their fry.

I guess it is hard living with a pregnant woman no matter what species you are!
Sorry, but I am trying to find some humor to cheer me up.

Just had to vent.


Active Member
Sorry to hear that. The same happend to mine. I had two clownfish, one jumped in the back and didn't make it. My 2nd clownfish keeps jumping back there looking for him (aww its sad) but he just comes to the top and lets me easily put him back in the "tank area". When I say back, i mean the filter area of a nanocube. The 2nd one always swims by the back top now, looking for her mate maybe? I don't know if they even were a pair, just bought two tank raised false perculas about the same size.


Active Member
aww... u 2 have very sad fish...
You must cheer them up with new mates!!
Go now! Get thee to a fishery! :yes:
(but seriously... sorry for your losses.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
i think i am going to lowe's tomorrow for some eggcrates
It is on my shopping list for today.
Thanks for everyones kind words. She will have a mate again very soon.