My neon is pregnant!


i bought two juvi neon gobies about 4 months ago from i noticed that one of them has a huge belly and struggles swimming through the current. the mate is never far from her. watching her every move :)
there is no way i'll be able to remove her. what type of chance do those fry have of making it? and if the chances are good, will i have a tank full of neon gobies? LOL
i guess we'll have to wait and see


Active Member
Cool, im not sure the fry stand any chance with bigger fish in the tank, the parents may even gobble them up, and you would have to have a live food source of suitable size on hand to raise them, pretty cool though, keep us posted ;)


now she has been hanging out in a hole in a piece of LR. the male is right outside standing guard ;)
maybe she'll hatch her young in the LR.
i've noticed there are tons of little critters (pods) swimming around in the same rock. i can see them through the holes. i hope those pods don't take bites out of the young. that would be horrible!
i'll keep you posted!


Active Member
Here's an idea....pick up one of those hang on breeder things that go inside your aquarium....they don't look to hot hanging inside your tank but they will insure the fry don't get gobbled. Transfer only the female to the "cage" and once they are born, remove her right away in case she feels hungry....these things only run ya $5-$10 in a LFS..well worth it. Used them for breeding black mollies, and it worked great.