My New 10 Gallon Nano


I just bought a 10 gallon aquarium, 10 lbs live reef sand, and am using a heater and powerhead I had spare to get it up and going. This is my first venture into the 10g or even the nano world at all.
I'm looking to do this right, what filtration, powerheads, heaters, etc should I get now? I was thinking about having a hang on back fuge too.
Any pointers that you could give me would help a lot.


I would do one or the either fuge or hang on or canister filer. I have 20lbs live sand and about 15lbs live rock. I only have a nano jet in their now but iwth the hang on filer and bubble bar there's decent movement. Plan on looking into anthor nano powerhead though. I upgraded my reef tank and run a coralife 65 watt compact flourecent (which is quite a bit of light) I ran my nano corallife light for awhile which was only 16 watts. Did well for stuff right under it. Depends what you plan on trying to keepin there.


Thanks! I'm just so excited I want to buy everything. I want to be able to keep softies, lps, and some sps. what type of light should I get?


I am planning on mostly keeping sofites and lps. I have the water and sand in the tank now with an aquaclear 30 powerhead, but plan on getting two koralia nanos. I'm still looking for suggestions on lights and filtration if anyone can help?


Active Member
I have the exact same tank your looking to set up. Go read more into my threads and youll see what I did. I have the hang on the back ruge filled with LR, LS and some cheatto.


Originally Posted by Katsafados
I have the exact same tank your looking to set up. Go read more into my threads and youll see what I did. I have the hang on the back ruge filled with LR, LS and some cheatto.
Reading through your thread actually influenced my decision on what tank to get. I really like the look of yours.
Do you run a skimmer?


Would this light be good?
Individually contoured reflectors for maximum light intensity
Cool running, performance-driven electronic ballasts
Fan-cooled for superior color spectrum, output and lifespan
Independent controls for dawn/dusk applications
The Nova Extreme Pro combines the best in both design and functionality, making it a great addition to any aquarium. The sleek black-aluminum construction not only maintains a low profile on the aquarium, its design also allows it to dissipate heat away from the aquarium, lamps and components. Individual polished reflectors coupled with highly efficient electronic ballasts maximize the light output and intensity of the SlimPaq T5 HO lamps.
SlimPaq high output T5 lamps offer a quantum leap in lamp performance, with more than 50% higher output compared to an ordinary T5, T8 or T12 fluorescent systems, and longer lifespan. Using our proprietary blend of tri-phosphors, the high levels produce stunning color rendition and penetrating intensity. The Nova Extreme Pro includes a fan-cooled aluminum housing, independent controls for dawn/dusk applications, individually contoured reflectors for increased light output, splash lens and docking mounts.
Model Description Lamps Fans Individually
Reflectors Total Wattage Dimensions
1083 20" Nova Extreme Pro 6x18watt T5HO 3-10k/3-460nm actinics 2 Yes 108w 20" x 12" x 4.25"


Active Member
It should be good. I'm running pc lamps and the t5'S are apparently better. I dont think it really matters though since our tanks are pretty small, the light has no problem penetrating to the bottom of the tank. Just have to watch for the evaporation. I get about 5-6 gallons every week evap.
I am not running a protein skimmer since once again the tank is pretty small.
My tanks specs:
Filtration: XP1 modded the spray bar by drilling more holes into it pointing in different directions for more flow.
Lights: Current USA Satellite Dual 2x40 Watt 20"Power Compact Strip Light W/Lunar Light
18" hang on the back refugium (cheato, LR, LS)
50 watt stealth thermometer
2 koralia nano pumps (you might want to get 1 and a stage 1 or 2, the nanos arent that great, but I have flow comming from the return pipe of the refuge.)
8lbs of LR and about 1.5" of LS (I'd go for more LR, with the 8lbs in my tank the tank still looks a little bare, but its up to you.)
And thats about it. I'm not going to go through my stock list because that all depends how your tank goes, but ill be keeping a eye on this thread =)
P.S I posted some new pics in my thread if you want to go check them out.


Nothing too exciting yet. I have about 10-12 lbs of live rock on order right now. I'll update with pics as soon as I get it. Right now I have a rock from my big tank in there to help it cycle. The ammonia was at about 2.0 yesterday when I checked so I still have a little ways to go. I think I'm going to go with the PC lights, either the Current USA 2x40w 20" or the Coralife 20" 96w. I'll make sure to get pics up soon though.


I've been reading around about other nano tanks and was reading into all natural filtration, just using your live rock, sand, and water changes. Has anyone tried this? I'm thinking about going that route.


Active Member
nope lol, you might not want to since there wont be that much LR in such a small tank which means less bacteria growing. Also you'll have to watch clo0sely at your feedings ect. since its so little water the water can turn bad quick. But you can always give it a try


My ammonia and nitrites are both high right now. Isn't the ammonia supposed to go down as the trites go up?
Starting to get some algae on the sand

I think I'll buy a cleanup crew within a week or so. Any suggestions on a good cuc for a 10g?


My new live rock is here! (well, down in Denver at my bro's house. I gotta go pick it up!) I'll post some pics when I get it all in and set up.


My internet is down so I'm in blackberry mode. Does anyone have any suggestions for a 10g cuc? My ammonia dropped to zero my trites are still a little high and my trates are around 5. Any suggestions would be most appreciated


Active Member
Get a fuge with some cheatto and that will help with the trates.
CUC depend son the amount of cleanning your tank needs. Post an updated pic!


Active Member
What kind of damsels? Pics? You probably wont be able to add any more fish now, with out over stocking or for agression reasons.