my new 10g third prelim week


Well-Known Member
This week I tested the concrete. Thanks for al the suggestions on how to make tunnels and such. I found out that if you add a very little amount of water the result is a nice bumpy formation. If you add just a little bit more the mix becomes very soupy and takes on the shape of whatever is molding it. I also found out the yeast does not cause it to rise or become less dense. It appears that I will place the oyster shells in the mold to get a textured look and add some flour or sand to form holes/tunnels in the structure. I also purchased 2 60# bags of medium sand for molding to help give it a more textured look. This week I will set up a cardboard form with the medium sand to mold the concrete.
Costs sor far are:
10g tanks $9.00
cement 94# 9.00
play sand 3@50# 9.00
40# c oyster shl 3.00
stryofoam cups .50
120# med sand 6.00
total 36.50
the pic is the test plugs:


Well-Known Member
gee thought you were gone. welcome back. And you are right. just doing some tests to see what works. can i call it beaslbobrock? the plural of which would be beaslbob rocks :D
and of course not to mention cheap. have enough materials for 200# pounds already. ;)