My new 125 gallon tank


I got my new 125 gallon today. And want to know what everyone thinks about the filters that came with it. I want to do a FO with LR/LS. It came with 2 emporer 400's, and a new wet/dry with protein skimmer built in the sump with a Rio pump. Will this do the trick or do I need something else or different. It came with all of the above from the buyer off of ----.
And I have to add that the tank is PRISTINE, the cabinet looks brand new and the buyer cleaned up everything like new. It's wonderful.


Sounds like a pretty good setup. I have heard bad things about Rio pumps though, so you might want to considering replacing the pump in the near future. If you run a sump with a protein skimmer and add a fair amount of live rock and live sand, you probably wouldn't need the emperor 400s, but you could remove the filter media and use them just for circulation. JMO.


Thanks, that's exactly what the "man" at my LFS said too. The wet/dry is of course taken apart and I have no idea how to put it together, or if any parts are missing, so he told me to bring it in and he would show me how to put it up and get it running. Headed there tomorrow with it.

mr hanky

get rid of the emp 400s i have 2 on my 150 (went from fw to sw it was the first thing i got rid of! it builds up so much algea in 2 days it was its own project to take care of!!


The wet/dry is a CPR with built in protein skimmer. And I decided to keep the 2 emporer filters but I'm taking the wheels out and just using the disposable carbon/filter floss cartridges in it, I think they'll be good for water movement, although I am going to have a power head at one or both ends of tank. Now I do also have a Oceanic protein skimmer, what do you think about using two skimmers??