My new 150gal is almost ready



My 150gal FOWLR is all setup and filled with water. Now I just need to transfer my LR and sand and then the fish. Sump, skimmer, everything is setup. So now I'm thinking of my long term stock list. This is what will be in there for sure:
1 Foxface
1 Yellow Wrasse
1 Niger Trigger
1 Picasso Trigger
Long term I'm thinking of adding:
1 Emperor or Queen Angel
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Hippo Tang
1 Puffer of some kind
Also thinking of a racoon butterfly
So how's my stock list look? Can I add more, too many? This 150 is it, no plans to ever upgrade any higher, so the fish I'm keeping will always be in this tank. Which is why I'm thinking the Emperor is better than the Queen Angel.


It's a yellow canary wrasse that I've had for about 6 months. It's gotten pretty big and I've grown quite attached to it.


Active Member
Sounds like a great list of fish. IMO, the triggers can really run this tank;especially if they get there first and get bigger than the cute little guys they were at the lfs. At this point, a much smaller fish (especially a new one) is food. These fish are much more aggressive than a lot of the recent dialog on this forum would suggest; a juvi angel put in with a 5" trigger could be in trouble. PB tangs can also take a real dislike to similar tangs, like the hippo. It often works, often doesn't. IMO, go slow and watch for signs of trouble, there's bound to be some with this mix; but if you are flexible and can get a fish out quickly; I'm sure you can find the mix that works. Good luck, sounds great!


How about a yellow tang and a powder blue instead, since they're different shapes? Also, is the Racoon Butterfly too "nice" for the triggers? I'm trying to pick fish that can hold their own with the triggers.


Active Member
If you find the 'right' Racoon I think it'd work. They are among the largest butterflies and adapt to prepared food fairly easy. You will need a QT tank though.


I'm also setting up a 38 gal QT tank. I won't add any new fish until it's finished cycling, then all new fish will stay in QT for 3-4 weeks before put in the DT.
How about a red fish? Is there a red fish I can put in with my other stock list? Maybe replace the butterfly?


Originally Posted by RCreations
I'm also setting up a 38 gal QT tank. I won't add any new fish until it's finished cycling, then all new fish will stay in QT for 3-4 weeks before put in the DT.
How about a red fish? Is there a red fish I can put in with my other stock list? Maybe replace the butterfly?
How about a V tail grouper they are red and nice looking


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I'm also setting up a 38 gal QT tank. I won't add any new fish until it's finished cycling, then all new fish will stay in QT for 3-4 weeks before put in the DT.
How about a red fish? Is there a red fish I can put in with my other stock list? Maybe replace the butterfly?
Cuban Hogfish, great community fish should get along with your yellow wrasse as well. Very similar to a Harlequin Tusk in many ways, but hardier IME.


Both great choices, thanks! I'll have to keep an eye out for them when I'm ready to add new fish.


YAY! The new tank is all setup and the fish, rock and sand transfered over. It was a lot of work but it's all worth while seeing the Humu enjoy his new large home. I've been keeping my eye on the ammonia level. Even though I transfered 100lbs of established live rock, live sand and used the filter media from the old tank, I'm still a little nervous. But so far so good. Altogether I have about 180lbs of LR and 1-2" of sand.
While I moved everything, I kept the fish in a 38gal tank. A lot of tension in the small space. The humu and niger got into it, everyone else stayed clear.
But no serious damage other than a few pieces of fin missing from the niger.


Here's a picture of the full tank. I know, I need to clean the glass.