My new 2000 gallon toy....


Forget Leopard sharks, they get too big for a 2000 gallon. I'd get some Brown Smoothhounds(Mustelus henlei), which are a close relative of leopard sharks. Browns only require a tank(or pond) of 1,200 gallons when full grown, while leopards require around 5000 gallons. I think you should go for 2 or 3 brown smoothhounds. They'll need a chiller too.
BTW, What are the dimentions of the pond?


Maybe a brown and white bamboo would look nice, then the guy Jim27 recommended if you liked how it looked.


A circular tank is great for smoothhounds. Circular tanks are recommended for active sharks.
Also do you mean 10ft in daimeter?


I have a few questions too. Did you build it yourself? How much did everything for the pond cost? Can you post pics when its cycled and has the sharks in it(or sooner if you want)?


New Member
I dont have a digital camera but if I can I will definately take pics to show you guys it, its built into the ground, so its really cool, and yes it is 10 feet in diameter...


New Member
Yes the bottom has 300 pounds of live sand mixed with other sand, and some Rock, not too much, it is completely in the ground, I have a small wobbegong in it right now, with a grey smooth hound. My next project is to build a 10,000 gallon or more and do black tips, and white tips, and mabye a lemon, this project is in the making.


New Member
Yes the bottom has 300 pounds of live sand mixed with other sand, and some Rock, not too much, it is completely in the ground, I have a small wobbegong in it right now, with a grey smooth hound. My next project is to build a 10,000 gallon or more and do black tips, and white tips, and mabye a lemon, this project is in the making.


New Member
I Luv Sharks.
Hey, don't argue with these people making comments about how much you paid for a set-up.
Many of them think they know everything anyway.