Here are some pictures of my new 24 gal JBL nano.
Specs: 3powerheads. 150watt MH lights, 1 36watt 50/50 CF light
mushroom corals, open brain corals, and I dont know what the other red
plant like coral is called, sponges, liverock, 1 clownfish,
and 1 maroon clown. Let me know what you think.
First picture on 3rd day of new tank setup.
Second picture on 14th day of new tank.

Specs: 3powerheads. 150watt MH lights, 1 36watt 50/50 CF light
mushroom corals, open brain corals, and I dont know what the other red
plant like coral is called, sponges, liverock, 1 clownfish,
and 1 maroon clown. Let me know what you think.
First picture on 3rd day of new tank setup.
Second picture on 14th day of new tank.