My new 24gal nano



Here are some pictures of my new 24 gal JBL nano.
Specs: 3powerheads. 150watt MH lights, 1 36watt 50/50 CF light
mushroom corals, open brain corals, and I dont know what the other red
plant like coral is called, sponges, liverock, 1 clownfish,
and 1 maroon clown. Let me know what you think.
First picture on 3rd day of new tank setup.
Second picture on 14th day of new tank.



Active Member
looks pertty good. only bad thing is the maroon will end up kicking the crap out of the other clown just to let you know


Thanks for the reply. But the weirdest thing is...the regular clown (bigger then the maroon) tries to kick the crap out of the maroon. But all in all, they get a long pretty well.


Active Member
well give it some time the maroon has like 2 razor blades on teh side of its face and it it get pissed off enought it will grab it and do a flip and will vut the crap out of it. Just watch out. also i would looking at getting some more corals in teh tank. That way maybe they will take host to something, maybe even an anemone down the line, my maroons love there Bubble tip anemone


Active Member
Also do you have a skimmer? and your tank is only been up and running for 14 day? i didnt see that at 1st. Your tank is still cycling.


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
Also do you have a skimmer? and your tank is only been up and running for 14 day? i didnt see that at 1st. Your tank is still cycling.
It has now been running since 12/17/05....almost one whole month. I've been checking everything and so far looks good. I have a lot of green grass like algae growing on the side wal of the tank, prolly due to cycling but its helping to keep down ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels really well. And I keep finding live ghost shrimp, I think it came with the live rocks. There were so many and I still find from time to time.


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
well give it some time the maroon has like 2 razor blades on teh side of its face and it it get pissed off enought it will grab it and do a flip and will vut the crap out of it. Just watch out. also i would looking at getting some more corals in teh tank. That way maybe they will take host to something, maybe even an anemone down the line, my maroons love there Bubble tip anemone
Yeah I really love anemones and want more corals but waiting till the tank cycles. I have another tank, which I have a sea horse, and a rose e tip anemone and also this weird looking thing, it has about 7 long skinny flourescent red tenticles, thats always on the sand and have not been able to identify it yet.
Also I hope my maroon wont beat the crap out of my regular clown in the long run haha. They were from my main tank. They have gotten along for 3months so far.