My new 29 gallon Fowlr

Ok guys so i have some questions. First of all heres my setup
29 gallon tank
penguin 350 power filter
100watt heater
and thats all
Now one problem i am having is that the filter is producing micro bubbles where the water comes out, how can i stop this. Also the glass on the fornt and rear of the tank seems to be bowing slightly is this normal.


I would lose the bubbler and get a powerhead instead. Raising the water level would reduce the bubbles being caused by the filter.


Active Member
I certainly agree with the good advice from Skeez above.
The bowing is not normal. Be sure that everything from the floor up (stand, etc) is level, that may be the problem. If the bottom trim of your tank is level and the top trim strip is not; expect trouble. Sometimes, you can cure a little leveling problem with the supporting stuff by just using a sheet of styrofoam under the tank.
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I certainly agree with the good advice from Skeez above.
The bowing is not normal. Be sure that everything from the floor up (stand, etc) is level, that may be the problem. If the bottom trim of your tank is level and the top trim strip is not; expect trouble. Sometimes, you can cure a little leveling problem with the supporting stuff by just using a sheet of styrofoam under the tank.
What kind of trouble are you talking about?


Active Member
Originally Posted by James Larocque
What kind of trouble are you talking about?
I assume this is a standard glass, not an acrylic or bowfront tank. The glass in standard tanks is not made to "bend". The soft, silicone sealant provides a little cushion; but if glass is 'bowing", something has to give sooner or later.