My new 29G biocube



Here is the first picture of my tank. I would love any advice anyone would have to offer. I am adding my first fish tomorrow. Probably a Royal Gramma.
I am excited to hear what everyone has to say! Thanks


Originally Posted by nemo2

Here is the first picture of my tank. I would love any advice anyone would have to offer. I am adding my first fish tomorrow. Probably a Royal Gramma.
I am excited to hear what everyone has to say! Thanks
looks like a good start
long has it been running?
whats your clean up crew?


It has been running for just over a month.
CUC: 4 scarlet hermits, 2 blue leg hermits, 2 emerald crabs, 7 nassarius snails, 5 turbo/astrea snails, one royal urchin. That is all I have so far.


Active Member
Looks good you will prob want to add a power head to the tank to add some flow but so far so good. Take is slow, its not somthing you want to hear but it will benifit you in the long run. Nice job on the aquascaping.


Originally Posted by SaltWaterNewb
I like your rockscape. I could see possibly adding just a tab bit more LR but overall, even if you don't, looks good.

Thanks for the compliment!


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Looks good you will prob want to add a power head to the tank to add some flow but so far so good. Take is slow, its not somthing you want to hear but it will benifit you in the long run. Nice job on the aquascaping.

Thanks! I added another powerhead after I took that picture. I
will probably add one more down the road. My tank has been running for a little over a month, and I am trying to take it slow. Thanks for the advice though.


Extra power heads are a must on these tanks. I learned this the hard way with cyno. The scaping looks great! If you add more rock, look for pieces that will allow you to sit stuff on like small rocks with zoos and the such. A lot of people glue zoos straight to the rock. I have done this and would rather just place a small frag on the rocks instead. This gives me the ability to change things around. Like moving things up in the tank for more light or move to less flow. Just a thought.


Originally Posted by Snaredrum
Extra power heads are a must on these tanks. I learned this the hard way with cyno. The scaping looks great! If you add more rock, look for pieces that will allow you to sit stuff on like small rocks with zoos and the such. A lot of people glue zoos straight to the rock. I have done this and would rather just place a small frag on the rocks instead. This gives me the ability to change things around. Like moving things up in the tank for more light or move to less flow. Just a thought.

Thanks! I am glad you like it. I just added my first fish a couple days ago, a Royal Gramma. In a couple weeks I will start with some corals. Can't wait!
I am still thinking about adding more rock, But I don't know where I would put it. I really appreciate the input! Any suggestions on corals?


Originally Posted by azul1994
What other fish are you thinking of adding?

I want a pair of clowns, and a blenny of some sort. Either a bi-color or a lawnmower blenny. That will probably be it. Any suggestions?