My new 30 gallon with BEASTS


Active Member
just recently started up a 30 gallon aquarium. i got 6 lbs of LR, Live sand, and i got to filters a good heater and 1 power head. i purchased a 5 inch long zebra dwarf lionfish, and a 4 inch sargassum angler. The angler is eating, and the zebra isnt
what other additions and things culd i add to my new aquarium? Thanks everyone!


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i'm going to the store again wednesday i just need to know anything to get please and thank you


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Originally Posted by JJJoey

i'm going to the store again wednesday i just need to know anything to get please and thank you
Personally I would not have chosen either of those 2 for a 30. Just my $.03


Active Member
Originally Posted by JJJoey
wut shuld i get
If you didn't plan on upgrading, I would see if they would take both of them back. You have to consider the long time picture here and a 30 isn't going to cut it. A 30 would be good for a pair of clowns, a firefish or a cardinal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JJJoey
aw those are lame fish i want some cool .. ones


Originally Posted by JJJoey
aw those are lame fish i want some cool .. ones
LMAO ! I think your fine with the angler as long as you have a good filter. But these guys get huge and it should be by itself. Your angler really doesn't move at all. I had mine in a 60 gallon a long time ago and it would just stay at the same spot. He might take a few steps thats all. Return your lionfish. You will be fine, feed him shrimp,krill,squid,silversides and other very healthy meaty foods.


Your tank is not big enough to support the lionfish... Want cool fish? Get a bigger tank!!!
Rather return both fish and get yourself a pair of clowns or a cardinal or summink on the lines or "not big, not aggresive, not messy carivores".
Sorry to burst your bubble Joey but if would be both cruel and just plain mean to make a fish which is sooo amazing and beautiful and 'cool' and put it in a 30G tank with inadequate filtration to support it...
my 2 cents...


Active Member
all of this has been suggested on numerous other threads started by this very individual. I think someone is just fishing for which answers he likes better.
you have to consider that these are living beings. we are very lucky that some of them are 'cool' to look at, but that isn't what it's all about. If we want these animals to thrive, we have to treat them with respect - respect enough to LEARN about them BEFORE we take them into our homes so that we can give them the care that they need.
If all you want is something cool to look at, go to an art gallery. You don't have to do water changes for a painting.
Salt Water comes with responsibility. A lot of it.


Active Member
i mean my mom has a 250 reef tank...and she said mine wuld do fine.. shes been doing this thing for u think i shuld quit the hobby...


Active Member
don't quit, but definitly RESEARCH before you do things.
remember, you are taking LIVES into your hands when you have a fishtank- or any pet, for that matter. There is a lot to think about, and a LOT to learn. Learn about the fish you want BEFORE you bring them home.
Your Mom should be able to help you as well, since she has experience. Ask her for books and suggestions.


Active Member
well i have researched it says dwarfs can be in a 30 there whole lives..and sargassum's too. and that both are


Active Member
id like to know where u got info that said dwarves can be in a 30. as for the sargassum - he might be able to stay in a 30, but BY HIMSELF.


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Ok let me get this straight? Your mom has a 250 gallon reef tank that is having ich problems you have no QT to use for the ich, You bought two aggresive fish and put them in a 29 gallon tank , That you cycled in a week, you are worried about how much things cost.
First off if you are worried about spending money you need to slow down with impulse buying. If you want to be serious and to have good healthy tanks you need to take time and select the right purchases at the right time. You need a QT tank . always put your new fish or inverts in this for a few weeks to make sure your not infecting the display tank with dieseses that can be transfered in to your system with new fish. this also gives the new fish time to settle down from all the shipping they have gone thru. You will end up spending more money in the long run if you don't take your time. as well as the frustration of killing fish. Also ALWAYS inspect fish very good at the store before purchasing them. never buy a fish if there is any doubt about its compatability or health.
As for aggresive fish You should ALWAYS error on the side of overkill when it comes to tank sizes and filtration. Some will argue that bigger is not always better . But I think You should always have too much room for fish insted of not enough. Think of it like this Would you be happier if you lived in a big house with lots of room or a little house where you keep bumping into other people ?


Active Member
but i love my lion i dont like the sargassum to much.. every1 at the store said it wuld be ok...this sucks i was kinda impulse buying but i wanted a lion really bad