My new 55 Aggressive


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Here are a few pics of my 55 Aggressive, it was a 37G but it was not enough swimming room for my guys so here is the new one enjoy



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its about 50lbs it came from my 37G I like the small amount of live rock, it gives the fish a little more space


Active Member
Just be careful having the trigger and the lion. Usually, that does not work long-term. Then again, I am sure you don't plan on having the volitan in there too long anyway, since he gets so large.


Originally Posted by wanabebell
triggers arent usually to bad with the lions unless they get hungry
then fins start looking good for a treat
Well the bolder species that i've seen nip at everything they can, despite being well fed. Although that particular species isn't known to be on the bolder side... with age, it could become a bit of a problem for that lion. But like Lion said, I'm sure that by the time that trig gets mature.. the lion will be on his way out. By the way.. tanks lookin good Drew
I personally agree with you on your reasoning for the low amount of LR as well... but i prefer just a bit more for my taste..
Looks great none the less Drew.


The volitan does get up to 15", but they are not a constant swimmer, like a tang or angel, so they don't need a larger tank. I think the 75 is plenty big for what you have. Also your humu is one of the smaller triggers. Hopefully the size of the volitan will deter the trigger. Keep him fed well you should be fine. But I also think more rock would make it look better. Your fish don't need as much live rock as some others might, so maybe something else to fill in some space. A sunken ship or something. But yeh, nice fish too. :happyfish


Active Member
The trigger was the last fish I added this is the total stock list of this tank
V. Lion
Snow Flake Eel
Huma Trigger
Yellow Tail Damsel
CC Starfish
About the rockwork I think its personal preference. I don't like fake decorations because they collect algae like crazy, however I have seen them in some tanks that look good. I might add some base rock or Tonga branch if I find some at a good price. About the lion, I am aware of the size that the volitans get and he will be moved when my cafe gets going to this tank which will be the front counter.


Active Member
Be careful with the Humu trigger and the lion. I had both of those together for over a year and then one day the trigger just decided it was time for the lion to go and he just tore him up. The lion was around 8-9 inches and the trigger only about 2-3 inches, so size does not matter.