New Member
Ok I got my tank last Saturday, I mixed the water and it has been stable @ 1.022-1.023. I have five damsels, 40 pounds of live sand, a couple shells, and a piece of brain coral (not alive). I bought a Penguin (330 GPH) filter, and a 50/50 light bulb. I set a timer for the light to be on from 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. ( Is this too long, too short?, I wanted it to be on until 10:30 at night so that I could enjoy the tank in the evening) When should I start testing the tank for Nitrates, Nitrites, and Ammonia? Should I take the water to be tested somewhere or should I do it myself? How long should it be expected that I need to wait for the tank to cycle ?