My new 55g FOWLR (for now)


Here is my 55g FOWLR! So far I have a Moorish Idol and 2 Clowns. There is 40lbs. of LR and 40lbs. of LS also. I am running a ViaAqua skimmer and a wet/dry inside of a 20g sump. Enjoy!



Looks good but I would try to make your aquascaping have more of a "natural" look and just a stack of rocks.


Yes, the Moorish Idol is eating frozen Brine Shrimp. I just got him Monday. He was already eating, so I couldnt pass it up! About the aquascaping.... I am leaving it like that becaise I wanted the fish to have caves to hide in. Plus, I am waiting until I can get another 60lbs. or baserock from online ($90.00 shipped!!!). After I get more rock, I am going to turn it into a reef.


Active Member
yeah, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Idols are very touchy to fluctuations in water quality. Temp, pH, salinity are all factors that really affect them. In keeping an Idol, I would definitely make sure you have a refractometer and good test kits to know what your water parameters are. I would pick up Salifert kits so that you know your water is good. You want to make sure you have a pH, kH, and nitrates test kit so that your levels stay in tact. Many people do not know to test kH, but with an Idol, I definitely would make sure you are on top of everything. This is especially important when you are doing a water change. When you do a water change, make sure the water temp. is exact, as well as the specific gravity. Give your new saltwater at least 24, but preferably 48 hours to sit and dissolve before you do all of your water changes. Like I said, any fluctuations in the water quality could cause your Idol to stop eating, and then that might be the end of it.
Also, is your only form of water movement your main return? If so, I would probably look into getting a powerhead to put a little bit more circulation into the water. That way, your nitrates have less of a chance of building up.
Good luck with him though. The fact that he is eating is definitely a step in the right direction. Just keep your levels stable and hopefully it should stay that way.


I have a Hydrometer. I am also, now, trying to sell my Moorish to someone in the Ohio area. I am convinced that I cannot give this fish what it needs. But for now, it stopped eating. I am going to try to feed him nori, or soak my frozen brine shrimp in garlic. Wish me luck!


Active Member

Why sell him? Why not just try to give him away to someone who has a good home for him and is an experienced hobbyist? Trying to sell a moorish idol that is not eating is hopeless and is just going to be bad for the fish...


I found someone interested. Its that guy with the 2300g tank. I am going to call my LFS tomorrow and see if they will take him back. And why would I give him away? I know its more consideate, but thats 45 bucks for nothing.


Active Member
Well I am really glad that you have found someone that might take him off of you.
However, as to your last comment, I feel sometimes life shouldn't always be about one's self or money. In your case, you attempted to keep an animal that is one of the hardest in the marine world to care for. You took on a perfectly healthy and eating Moorish Idol and now, due to you putting him into an immature tank, he is not eating and may not eat again. Maybe I am crazy, but I would think that I would do anything it took to make sure I got him into a new home before it was too late. I am not criticizing you. Everyone has made mistakes, especially in this hobby. However, we try to learn from our mistakes. If you really loved fish like your user name says, you would try to save the fish because you do have that opportunity. The fish did not die yet.. Sometimes, realizing your mistake and sitting on the $45 is worth it when you can save the life of the animal and not kill it. But that is me. I have a passion for fish, and that's not to say that I have not lost a few fish in my tank. However, if someone could have told me how to prevent them, I would have. If I knew an animal was going to die and I did nothing for it because no one would give me the money for it, I would feel wrong. That's me. I am not saying you are a bad person. You just have a different view than me...


I totally aggree. I am going to try and take it back to my LFS though. If not, then there is that guy that wants it. But for free. So I will consider it.