My new 5ga kitchen NANO


The tank my clownfish was in was like 200 gallons, so I bought 8gallon from that tank so I wouldnt have to cycle it.


right now i have stock lighting but i wanna get a small open brain coral and an anemone so will this be good light? Measures 9"x 4.75" x 2.75" This light has German mirror polished aluminum reflectors, electronic ballasts, 1 switch and 1 cord. It does NOT come with an acrylic lens to go over the bulbs Aluminum hood comes complete with ( 1) 13 Watt Actinic Blue and (1) 13 Watt 10000K Super Daylight bulb. Great for a mini reef or refugium If you would like different bulbs like 6500 k or 50.50 specify in your payment (not in email)
My tank is only 16'' wide and the smallest compact light i can find is 24'' so i supose that is the only option i have. :help:
and can i have an Florida Condi Anemone in my 5ga?


Active Member
Stealing water from one tank and planting into a starter tank does not constitute an instant cycle, it just gets you going in the right direction a little sooner than starting with freshwater, adding salt, bringing up levels, etc (that is, if the tank you took the water from had decent water). You'll want to test for amonia, nitrite, and nitrates. Fish, corals, and an anemone
......probably not a good idea. Why not consider an invert tank with crabs and shrimp?


maybe you should wait for another opinon for this.. but i just wont give you the okay


well I think im going to upgrade an just use the 26watt lighting because that has to be better then nothing. I just wont add anything cept LR and the polpys. and the other clown and royal gramma. But what do you guys think of my tank so far, im 17 an have my own apartment and I think that was the coolest addition to my kitchen.


you cant keep a clown in such a small tank. nor will any corals survive.
demanding the answer you want to hear isnt a good idea either....
buy a 10 gallon tank for 15 bucks, you can run any light you want for the clown... then save up spend 100 bucks on the 96 watt coralife power quad and you can put almost any soft coral in there


Originally Posted by gfk
buy a 10 gallon tank for 15 bucks, you can run any light you want for the clown... then save up spend 100 bucks on the 96 watt coralife power quad and you can put almost any soft coral in there
yah, u can go to
It definatley can be done because I am doing it right now! I have a 5 gallon with 26 watts of lighting. I have a clown fish, xenia, hammer coral, mushrooms and star polyps, all which are doing great. My water parameters and perfect too and that's just going the old fashioned all natural filtration, LR! I do weekly water changes to keep the nitrates down to almost 0!