My new anenome


I am posting a couple pictures of my BTA anemone. Look how its all big and bubbly. Now he is underneath a rock and is still open, but his tentacles are very thin now...any ideas? He has been under the rock for 3+ days...should i move him...i tried aiming a power head at him to encourage movement...but it is not working...
any ideas...i will try to post another later of its small narrow tentacles



another picture, not good quality...but this is how it looks now...
(ps read post above about light failure)


This happened to mine. I ended up moving the rock he was on to the top of the tank where the light is strongest and he turned back to normal. Also, arent BTA's supposed to be a brownish/tanish? Mine is. I heard that when they are white, then that means they are dieing because there isnt enough light.


I have since moved it to a bucket by itself with direct light...we will see what happens...I moved it because they say if it does go, it is bad for the tank...what else should i put in this bucket?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stimpy4242 dead
whats dead?
If your anemone isn't the dead one, I'd suggest getting it under some good lighting. It looks very bleached out.