My New Aquarium


Hi everyone! I'm not really new to this board but it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Anyway, we just finished moving in to our new house and I thought I'd share a picture of my new in-wall 500 gallon aquarium. I'm mostly interested in keeping fish only, and as such, I've set up my aquarium to showcase essentially angels and butterflies. The aquarium has been running for two months now with essentially nothing in it (except for a few blue damsels --- I know, I know, not really a smart move but I do like them). I don't have any live rocks in the main tank, but I do have them in the overflow boxes and I plan to put some in my 90-gallon sump. I've seeded my base with a couple of bags of live sand. I don't plan to put in my first angel fish for at least another two months, but I'd like to hear what some of you think of keeping mostly big angels and butterflies?? I used to have a 120-gallon tank prior to moving in to our new digs (Adult Emperor Angel and juvenile Blue Face angel coexisted for more than a year before I had to tear down the aquarium--- sadly, my friend who offered to fish sit for me while I cycle my new tank lost both of them). Looking forward to hearing some of your suggestions.

reef fool

Active Member
Looks very nice! Where did you get the fake corals from? I might go that route with a tank in the wall.
Thanks, Frank