my new canopy


Active Member
my brother in law and i built this 60 bucks...ok my brother in law did most but i did hold a board everynow and then...he is a carpenter though



Staff member
Yep, that's a nice looking canopy. The doors on front and top will make things very convenient for you. Good job!


Active Member
its going on my 90 reef and taking the old one off...with the halides now i gt to much heat...thanks for the coments, we got the plans off this site i think and tweeked it here and there to make work for me...


Originally Posted by larrynews
my brother in law and i built this 60 bucks...ok my brother in law did most but i did hold a board everynow and then...he is a carpenter though

I was thinking of doing this. I just do you get the canopy to stay high enough to put lights in? What sustains it above the tank?


it sustains itself. you normally just router an edge for it to rest on the top of your tank. or place another piece of wood inside the canopy near the bottom to make a lip for it to set on.


you said that you got the plans on here? I was just wondering where - I was thinking of having someone make me one as a christmas gift.
THanks! It is beautiful!
I am jealous!


Very nice canapy. We are starting to build one for 46 bowfront.. Wot a challange that is going to be. I put forth wot I am looking for in design, and user friendly... and together we blueprint it, and he gets the challange of cutting, and we'll both put it together and paint it.


Active Member
That is a very nice and functional canopy. Your lucky to have such a gifted brother inlaw, mine just asks for money ,co-signatures, or bail bonds.


Active Member
That really is a beautiful canopy! I hope you post pics of it after placing on the tank. I would love to see it in action!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
i gave them to him, i'll find them and post...someone on this site gave them to me i believe...but i'll look