Saw this at the fish store and had to get it. Sorry for the flash in the last picture.
agrsiv210 Member Jan 28, 2007 #1 Saw this at the fish store and had to get it. Sorry for the flash in the last picture.
gnorman Active Member Jan 28, 2007 #4 so sweet. my LFS has a crazy blue one about 8 inches across. going for $170. to bad im doing FOWLR cuz our emperor angel, tonga puffer and blue jaw.
so sweet. my LFS has a crazy blue one about 8 inches across. going for $170. to bad im doing FOWLR cuz our emperor angel, tonga puffer and blue jaw.
scubaguy Member Jan 29, 2007 #5 Cool and the clowns seem to love it also. Our LFS has one too but I only have a 35 Gallon. I have to wait for my upgrade.
Cool and the clowns seem to love it also. Our LFS has one too but I only have a 35 Gallon. I have to wait for my upgrade.
hot883 Active Member Jan 29, 2007 #6 Thats one pretty fish eater. Ha! I like the way they look but have read on here to many times that they eat fish. No personal experience with one though. Hope your works out.
Thats one pretty fish eater. Ha! I like the way they look but have read on here to many times that they eat fish. No personal experience with one though. Hope your works out.
agrsiv210 Member Jan 29, 2007 #7 Thanks guys for your compliments. I wanted a blue one bad, but couldn't pass on this one.
choco Member Jan 29, 2007 #9 Why is it on the rocks though? S. Haddoni are sand dwellers. What kind of lighting do you got? Very nice anemone though.
Why is it on the rocks though? S. Haddoni are sand dwellers. What kind of lighting do you got? Very nice anemone though.
agrsiv210 Member Jan 29, 2007 #14 The pics are from my home aquarium. The carpet is actually embedded in the sand, the clowns love it.
cjason3041 Member Feb 1, 2007 #16 that is one good looking anemone ... i dare not show my perc ... he would be jealous
bkvreef Member Feb 1, 2007 #18 AGRS210: Beautiful carpet. :cheer: What type of lighting? How did you get your GSM to co-exist (different sizes, bought as a pair? )
AGRS210: Beautiful carpet. :cheer: What type of lighting? How did you get your GSM to co-exist (different sizes, bought as a pair? )
rabid frog Active Member Feb 2, 2007 #20 Nice carpet, I have too many things im affraid it would destroy though.. They are one of my favorites though.
Nice carpet, I have too many things im affraid it would destroy though.. They are one of my favorites though.