my new clown fish......


i just got them today a pair , but the stay really close to the ground , they swim about a inch away from the sand.....with in time will they swim higher ??


Active Member
So does my tomato I got today "tommy" I think its because when I was acclimating my tomato I kinda forgot Yesterday I raised my salt back up to 1.025 because I ran out of salt and was at about 1.022.Now mine is swimming a little higher but he is now sleeping with my moonlights on.
Good Luck Cy
Logan:D :D


Active Member
no im not saying that only raise it to 1.024-1.025 once you get corals without corals you should just keep it 1.020-1.022.Mine was stressed because he went from 1.021 to 1.025.Tommy my tomato is doing better now he is swimming around and is having some fun.
PS I have to update my site today


certain fish like certain parts of the tank..your clown might like the bottom. Your clown might eventually move around more and higher areas because he's new, it all depends on your clown
i have two percs that stayed on the very top and came aound to eat ever so often. when i got rid of a few fish they seem to go every where in the tank now. i really cant say but my stays in pairs and wont go anywhere without one another.