My New Clownfish Are Home. Are They Doing Ok? Acclimation Question


loving new fishies!! gorgeous mated pair of gold band maroon fish. did the acclimation prcedure and just got them in my tank about an hour ago. I turned off the lights, turned off the skimmer....and they are hanging out in the back corner of the tank together at the top. They have not come out of the tell me is this ok, are they doing ok in one spot for so long....what should I expect??? thanks!! these are my first fishies!


That is perfectly normal for clowns. My two actually cruise the entire tank, but they have a particular corner that is their favorite. Until they are comfortable with their surroundings, they may stay put in one place until they feel it is safe to explore. Good luck! :joy:


they are sitting at the top right of the corner behind the intake tube....and barely moving around....nervous nelly's they are!! No other fish in there....they are king (and queen) of the 90 gallon...we named them BEN AND JERRY!