my new Clowns!


ok...when I first started my tank in Jan...the top of my wish list was a Blue Throat trigger(got it in June), white ghost eel(got it in May) and a pair of GSM clowns! since I was given a LARGE one a while ago with a BTA, I knew I couldn't have the pair nor have I ever even seen a pair avail for sale! well last week at the LFS he got one in! I figured it would be sold by the time I got paid...TODAY...but nope! so last night I bagged up my HUGE clown(which was very aggressive) and he held the pair for me! YAY! My wish list is complete....well atleast till I get a bigger tank...the Female went right to the Anemone but the male is starting at the corner and slowly workin his way in! they are sooooo cute! YAY! I also got 2 firefish today too...they arent as fun though as my clowns! thought I'd share! Cheers!! :joy:



Active Member
Oh, VERY nice. I too longed for a pair hosting; mine were obviously tanked raised, going no where near my LTA!


as SOON as I let them out of the bag near it...they went right to it! I am so beyon that I have pretty much everything I I need a bigger tank! LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bret61081
as SOON as I let them out of the bag near it...they went right to it! I am so beyon that I have pretty much everything I I need a bigger tank! LOL
Tank Looks great BTW

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like a well thought out stocking larger is your display? Just curious...........