My New Clowns!


Active Member
Sold to me as onyx clowns but I am pretty sure they are just true percs.

that larger one has stated his dominance already.


Active Member
ya I wasnt sure if it was the male or female but either way it looks like they have already paired up


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
ok, what exactly are onyx clowns? this is the first i have heard of these said clowns lol
found out on another site that onyx clowns are the same as true percs. so i guess these are onyx


All "onyx" are A. percula (true percs), but not all A. percula are "onyx".
The onyx variant describes when the color in-between the first and third bar of an A. percula is black along with a black dorsal fin.
Yours are not the onyx variant. Beautiful clowns none-the-less.