My new Clowns

crypt keeper

Active Member
They look like every other false but they are mine.

I took the six line back because he was very aggressive towards my yasha. I put the yasha in another tank. These are my only fish in my nano for the time being. Im setting up a 30 long in the upcoming months. They will be fine in this tank till then. Already ate frozen brine shrimp. The pigs! I will get better pics soon. This is from my phone. It doesnt do too bad. My xenia is not happy right now.



It would be a good idea to switch to mysis and or a good quality pellet food. Brine in not nutritious. Good looking clowns.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have a bunch of stuff in my freezer. I have mysis as well. I just wanted to see if they wanted to eat. They did.
I dont have pellet due to my other tank being a predator take. What do you reccomend? I do have some seaweed I can clip to the wall.


I have never fed seaweed, don't know if clowns will eat it. I like to give mine a variety of foods and a good quality pelleted food is good for them not essential. Mysis, Rods, there are several prepared frozen mixes avaliable another I tried was called marine cusine, any of these work.