Here is a couple pics of my new additions
Blasto W/ Purple and green mushroom hitchiker on bottom of rock
Here is my Blue Zoas
Here is a pic of my new Xenia W/ hitchiker located to the lower left of Xenia. It was in front of Xenia then decided to move to the left...it has a pinkish base with green tips, posibbly GBTA?
And last but not least my Sun Coral, which is eating already and keeping polyps extended.
Blasto W/ Purple and green mushroom hitchiker on bottom of rock
Here is my Blue Zoas
Here is a pic of my new Xenia W/ hitchiker located to the lower left of Xenia. It was in front of Xenia then decided to move to the left...it has a pinkish base with green tips, posibbly GBTA?
And last but not least my Sun Coral, which is eating already and keeping polyps extended.