My new DIY Stand and 130g FOWLR


Heres my new 130g aggressive tank. I broke down my 75g and moved all my buddies into the 130. Heres what's inside.
7 inch Naso Tang
3.5 inch Stars and Stripes puffer
7.5 inch Porcupine puffer
3 inch Huma huma trigger
12.5 inch Panther grouper
There's also a 40g acrylic next to it. Theres a damsel, 2 clowns and a yellow tang in there with an arrow crab, to snails and 3 blue legs.
Let me know what you think about the 130.


Staff member
Very nice setup and some handsome looking agressive fish. Looks like the corner of the house is very cozy. Do you have a comfy sofa in front of the displays? :yes:


Wow, BIG fishy. I can assume that hes full size though, they dont get much bigger. How does he not eat yer other fish?


He's friendly. Homer has never attacked any fish except for a yellow tang when he was small. I've had him for almost 3 years now.

tru conch

Active Member
nice looking tank.
gold puffer, you might want to remove that plastic treasure chest in shot two. the old lfs i worked at had a nutter for an owner, and he thought it would be a good idea to put a bunch of plastice Freshwater decorations in the saltwater tanks, and they were very similar to your treasure chest. the plastic color bleached out from the saltwater and the fish got sick from it. after about 2-3 weeks the plastic actually became brittle when he finally ok'd us to remove the decorations. just thought i would warn you, but its your tank your choice.


Thanks for the advice, the chest I have is made for saltwater. Its been in there for about a year and a half (in the 75gallon first). Te color has not rub off yet.