My new fire shrimp


I was gonna say, I'd be surprised if you ever see him come out during the day. Mine used to be more visible but since I added so much LR, he only comes out to steal food intended for the sessile inverts. He's also gotten very lazy on the cleaning aspect in his old age.


Originally Posted by calaxa
I was gonna say, I'd be surprised if you ever see him come out during the day. Mine used to be more visible but since I added so much LR, he only comes out to steal food intended for the sessile inverts. He's also gotten very lazy on the cleaning aspect in his old age.
When I bought them I was told they would stay hidden all the time, but as soon as I go into my room they come out and beg for food.


Active Member
You are one of the lucky ones. My fire shrimp.....going on 5 yrs, is very secluded, and I have to really look for him. His mate died about a month ago, but, I don't want to replace it due to the fact that he is so old. I read that the average lifespan is 4 yrs, so I guess I am lucky too.
When I first got them they would stay out in the open, and yes, I could hand feed them. So, enjoy it while you can. Good luck with them. They are indeed beautiful.


Member fire shrimp over cleaner shimp...they provide WAY more color...but my fire is out all of the time...when I have people over they are like whats that red little thing...its a eye grabber