My New fish from SWF.COM


I ordered a Mandarin from SWF and received it this last Thurs. he had what appeared to be a slight fungus on both sides of his body where fins connect. I put him in my 20 gal. Qt tank where I have copper and Marine-max. He does not seem to be getting better. Can you suggest any other treatment?


Staff member
Can you describe exactly what you are seeing? Is it cottony, or does it look like grey-white slime?
Don't add any more of those meds. In fact, you should do a water change to get them out.
Is the fish eating ?[keeping in mind how difficult it is to feed a mandarin outside of a well established reef tank].
Try to be as deatailed as you can with descriptions of what you are seeing on the fish. Use a magnifying glass to give the fish a good look--from head to tail fin. Is the fish breathing normally, or labored? Gills swollen? Fins condition? Eyes clear, protruding, or hazy?
I am thinking it could be a bacterial infection, but would like to get more details. Just in case it is an infection, see if you can call your LFSs tomorrow to see if they have Maracyn 2 for SW fish, just in case, you can run and get it if this is a bacterial infection.


The fish has milky a discoloration not cotton. He has no other signs of it other than where his side fins attach to his body. It almost matches in color to the natural color under his chin and stomach.I have 2LRs in with him knowing he would need algae and copepods. He does appear to be eating the algae off rocks or traveling on them and even ate some of the prime reef soaked in garlic I gave him. His eyes are not cloudy and he has no other signs of stress. my Qt always has copper and Marine this bad?


Staff member

Originally posted by Katfish50
my Qt always has copper and Marine this bad?

Don't pre-medicate your QT. Medications are designed to treat specific things, and, unless your fish have these things, it is pointless to expose your fish to potent [even potentially toxic, as in the case of copper] chemicals. Algae, copepods, and LR won't survive medication treatment--particularly copper.
Does the effected area look like "slime"? I'm just wondering if, since the fish was shipped, if it is not just excessively pale from the ordeal of shipping, or even the medications you have in that QT. Is the condition worse since you first noticed it?
Did you originally place the fish in this QT? How did the fish look when you first received it, while it was in the shipping bag?
I'd suggest you do a good water change in your QT, and, if you have a carbon filter, use it to get that medication out.
I'd like to know the answer to these questions before procediing.


He had it on both sides when I opened the bag. I first thought it was his coloration...but it isn't. It looks milky...kinda slimey. It is getting better on one side. This morning it is not as visable. I premedicate the Qt tank with half the recommened dose of copper and 5ml of Marine Max. This morning I did a partial water change and ran the carbon filter as you suggested? Should I buy the Maracyn2?


Staff member
Yes, go ahead and get the Maracyn2, make sure it is for saltwater fish, as this one has the vit Bs. Once you get your tank cleared of the current med, then you can begin dosing with M2. If you can get some Zoe or Zoecon, vit supplment, also get this.
What exactly is Marine Max??


Marine-Max is a pro-biotic "bacterial bodyguard" made of anti-oxidants and multi vitamins made by Tropical Science.