My new Green Mandarin, I have??


I have had this fish for two days now and all he does is sits on the sandbed. It moves from spot to spot in the tank but I never see him swimming around. Is this normal? Also I have tried feeding him brine and frozen mysis shrimp and all he does is still lay on the sand. I have 100lbs live rock in the tank, so help me out if this isn't normal.


For one mandarins dont swim like regular fish. How it is moving is normal also most mandarins are hard to get to eat food that is gave to them. They usualy eat pods in the tank. Does he just sit in the sand bed like all day or does he move around most of the day cause if he is just sitting in the sand bed all day mine have never did that unless it was night time. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Chris is right, they don't really "swim". They kind of hover.
They are constantly seeking pods. 100#'s or more of LR is good and as long as your tank is well established and you have no other pod eating fish in there, it should be OK. :)