my new kalk doser

rabid frog

Active Member
kool how do you like yours? I only put 2 gals worth in it for now it will hold 3, not sure about the whole dripping process? I have it dripping about 1 drop per sec.


mine works wonders leaks no yet. i built 2 of them one for kalk and one for top-off.i drip about every 2 secs. having trouble dialing it in though im using a pain in the a@#$ 3 port gang valve. i might try your valve seems a little easier or maybe a dripper for an iv tube.other than that i am very happy with it good luck with yours

rabid frog

Active Member
mien is easily adjusted I'm thniking of making another for top off, but Im not sure how long 3 gals will last, I need something to last at least 4 days because I am gone 4 days a week and have to hire someone to do my top off for me.
I use a jug i got from the dollar store. My spouse is a nurse, so i get all the iv things i want. I jabbed it off into the bottom of my jug, about 2 inches from the bottom, and whamo, kalk dripper. they werk great. the one that i have has a little dial on it so you can set how much to dose, how fast. I post pics later.