My new little friends...


Active Member
Originally Posted by CircesMagic
Hi Everyone,
I just brought these little guys home yesterday, so excited about them!

If these guys are in the same tank you are in for some heartache. The maroon will kill the Perc. Especially if the anemone is hosted by the 2.
I would take out one or the other soon.


They are on opposite ends of a 220 gallon...The fish store who set the tank up for me said it was ok....please tell me this is true!


Active Member
Unfortunately there is a very good chance that the maroon will kill the perc. Maroons are very aggressive as far as clownfish go.


This is where I get aggrevated...this person is an experinced fish person, they sold me these guys, they KNOW what kind of set up I have because they are the ones that set it up for what am I supposed to do with these little guys to keep both of them safe? Like I said, they are on opposite sides of the tank, I hope that is where they both stay...I am a huge animal lover and get very upset when people mislead other people about them! What should I watch for? Any help is greatly appreciated!