my new overflow



Well I just got my new PF-800 and mag 7 in the mail. Now I'm lost what size drain hose do I need to fit the overflow box and how does it fit the bulkhead does it go on the out side or does it go inside. there was NO instructions and I just need a little guidance.


Active Member
Are the bulkheads threaded? On the inside? I ask as they may require a PVC fitting to adapt it to a hose fitting. Unless you want to do all PVC pipe. It is up to you. It says that it is a 1" bulkhead.
Here are directions from dr.fosters.
Directions for Use
Assemble the parts making sure that the water exits from the Intake Box through the U-tube and into the Pre-filter Box.
The siphon is started by first filling the aquarium until water flows into Intake Box. Then carefully fill the Pre-filter Box with a cup or two of water. Suck the air out of the U-tube using clear airline tubing (1 ft) until the U-tube is full of water. This is done by bending the airline and inserting it into the U-tube. Be sure the ends of the U-tube are fully submerged so that no air can enter. You may need to add more water to the boxes as you do this. The siphon is now primed and water will automatically reach an even level in both boxes.
NOTE: No air must be allowed to enter the U-tube if the siphon is to be maintained.
If the level of water in the aquarium increases, it will enter the Intake Box and will then siphon into the Pre-filter Box. The water level in the Pre-filter Box will rise until the water flows into the Exit Tube where it will empty into the sump. The main water pump in the sump will then return the water back into the aquarium and continue this cycle. As with any overflow system, it is critical to maintain constant water levels by means of a top-off system or by regular top offs.


OK I've got my overflow and its plumbing figured out. I'm just curious if the hose coming out of the overflow going into the sump should be attached to anything? Now my return pump is a mag 7 and from what I can tell I need a ball valve attached to the pump its self and run a 3/4" hose up to the top of the tank. What would be best to attach the hose to to go over the top of the tank and how big should it be and how deep should it go down in the tank? Any advice would be much appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brue102
OK I've got my overflow and its plumbing figured out. I'm just curious if the hose coming out of the overflow going into the sump should be attached to anything? Now my return pump is a mag 7 and from what I can tell I need a ball valve attached to the pump its self and run a 3/4" hose up to the top of the tank. What would be best to attach the hose to to go over the top of the tank and how big should it be and how deep should it go down in the tank? Any advice would be much appreciated.
You don't want the return very deep in the tank. If the power ever goes out it will back siphon untill it is exposed.
Yes a ball valve is a good idea on the return pump. If you need to you can close it off a little to reduce the flow. Just make sure that the ball valve is on the output side.
You can secure the drain line if you whish. I would.
On the return, you will need to go up over the top by making some sort of PVC piece. How you do it is up to you. There are lots of options.