My New Peices


Active Member
depends on your calcium/ alk/ pH levels, as well as lighting and flow. whats your set up like?


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
depends on your calcium/ alk/ pH levels, as well as lighting and flow. whats your set up like?
calcium at 450
alk at 11
ph 8.3
MH 250w 14k
flow goes from med to high in cycles

nano reefer

Active Member
can you post real pics of your corals? those are not pictures taken by you unless you put that logo in on the bottom.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer
can you post real pics of your corals? those are not pictures taken by you unless you put that logo in on the bottom.
Those are from the seller thats what they look like but I will take 1 dont know why though u dont believe me


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
Those are from the seller thats what they look like but I will take 1 dont know why though u dont believe me

im not saying the corals arent nice, but realize your pics look a whole lot different than those of the vendor. he was just pointing out that corals usually look a lot different when there in front of you, opposed to the vendors pics.
and Mach03, you'll probably both get banned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
im not saying the corals arent nice, but realize your pics look a whole lot different than those of the vendor. he was just pointing out that corals usually look a lot different when there in front of you, opposed to the vendors pics.
and Mach03, you'll probably both get banned.
well they are the same when I put them in they are just like the pics I will pull them out for you tommorow with the other 2 that look different .My camera sucks alot of thing I take pics in my tank don't look the same as they do in the tank
the ric pic looks just like the other one just not as close. MY girl friends bring the camera with 10 picture option on it tommorow so maybe that will do better rite now just got this little hp camera.
why would we both get banned