I put a puffer in about two weeks after my trigger. Thursday, my ammonia level went up to 1.0ppm. I got water ready and did a change friday. After the water change, ammonia dropped to... 1.0ppm. Took a sample to the LFS, reading is good. Nothing dead, even lifted up the rocks to make sure. Puffer is stressed, but eating. Trigger just thinks he is Lawerence Welk. (Prizm throwing bubbles). I am going to give the fish back, the LFS will hold them, and I think I'll just keep the ammonia as a pet. Its less picky about food, and I can't get rid of it even when I try.
Seriously, though, how can nothing change when I did a 50% water change? Nitrates barely dropped, and ammonia didn't change. I really hate to put these fish through this. When I put the trigger in, I had 0ammonia, 0nitrites, 5ppm nitrates.
Seriously, though, how can nothing change when I did a 50% water change? Nitrates barely dropped, and ammonia didn't change. I really hate to put these fish through this. When I put the trigger in, I had 0ammonia, 0nitrites, 5ppm nitrates.