As long as your lighting is good so it will make a full recovery... yep that was a steal. Was it a hitch hiker? If so, you hit the jackpot what a find for a hitch hiker.
u say full recovery? what u mean by that? does it look sick? i mean i dont think its bleached, this is how it looked hwne i picked it up. it was under MH lighting. and this thing is small right now, size of a quarter maybe a lil bigger
i have never come across a rbta like this, this one looks bleached, it is relly pink, but then again the ones i get are med to large and a deep redish brown so i dunno , imo this one looks better
Originally Posted by oneradtek http:///forum/post/2832529
u say full recovery? what u mean by that? does it look sick? i mean i dont think its bleached, this is how it looked hwne i picked it up. it was under MH lighting. and this thing is small right now, size of a quarter maybe a lil bigger
Yea its a bit bleached... if it were under MH lights when you got it, it may have not been under them long or it may not have been receiving the light appropriately. It looks like its in good shape so I dont think you will have an issue, but I would expect it to get darker as it regains its color.
idk i think it might just be because its soo small or a dif morph. So far no color change for a week, and the bubbles are out and full and everything.
the only reason i could see for it bleaching in the previous tank was because of the water quality perhaps? when i had it in my tank the first day, it deflated all of its water out and re-inflated and hasn't done it since.
could poor water quality cause bleaching?