My new Refugium, finished it up today.


Active Member
Got the same one. Are those sea shells in the fuge? If they are TAKE THEM OUT they will just trap detrius. Also I did not use the bio balls, I used live rock in mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sjerseyguy
did you get that off of that famous auction site?
$249 for 150 gallon rated one


Yes, and from what I'm seeing from the skimmer being pluged in for only 3 hours I'm very very impressed! Only thing is its prducing small bubbles but it should stop after it breaks in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Maingo
Yes, and from what I'm seeing from the skimmer being pluged in for only 3 hours I'm very very impressed! Only thing is its prducing small bubbles but it should stop after it breaks in.
Yes they will stop. I had this system on my 55 now it's on my 125. Very happy.


I'm glad I saw this. I was thinking of getting this one, but thought it was garbage. I am glad to hear good things about it. Keep me updated on how it keeps working.


What size tank are you using this sump on ?
I am wanting a sump for my 55, but my stand is very narrow.
If you are using a 55, were you able to put the sump in through the doors?
Sorry for all of the questions but, i want to make sure that it will fit before buy it.


Originally Posted by Maingo

Sweet! Looks like the exact same skimmer I just bought, a CA Super Vortex 1003 right?
Which pump are you using, how much flow do you have going to it? (the skimmer that is)


Active Member
Originally Posted by CoachD
What size tank are you using this sump on ?
I am wanting a sump for my 55, but my stand is very narrow.
If you are using a 55, were you able to put the sump in through the doors?
Sorry for all of the questions but, i want to make sure that it will fit before buy it.
I had to empty my tank, move the stand, cut the back brace from my stand, place in sump replace brace move stand and tank back add everything back in. here's the thread on that move.


But please, what is a refugium and what benefit would it be? How large a tank is one primarily used for? I'd appreciate it a lot. Got lots of learning to do.


Originally Posted by Squiddly
But please, what is a refugium and what benefit would it be? How large a tank is one primarily used for? I'd appreciate it a lot. Got lots of learning to do.
A refugium is really a (refuge) for nitrate consuming macro algae and house for bacteria. can be used with any size tank. Best(opinion) suited for reef ready aquariums(pre drilled).


Originally Posted by 04mach
Take the bioballs out and put a filtersock there.
Filtersock? Please explain, I am not familar with what you are talking about.



The skimmer seems to be working very well. Never would have thought there was that much yuck in the water. I am still trying to find a place to get macro algea from its very hard to find in my area :(. You can click on the images for a bigger picture.


Originally Posted by engineer
A refugium is really a (refuge) for nitrate consuming macro algae and house for bacteria. can be used with any size tank. Best(opinion) suited for reef ready aquariums(pre drilled).
So how is a refugium different from a protein skimmer, or is it the same thing? And thanks for taking the time to answer what may be silly questions to many.


Skimmer and fuge are 2 totally different things. Skimmer through its processes collects microscopic(so to speak) particles out of the system, which if not taken out leads to raised nitrate levels because of the decomposing protiens(scum). The fuge basically grows/safeguards nitrafying macros algae and other creatures that are beneficial to the cycle of a closed system(aquarium).