My new Stress



Hi to you guys,finally its my time to stress on the building of the tank.
That is one of my very stress week due to i will be traveling oversea this coming week for a few weeks.
I need to make sure the new house renov detail to be done up and the new fish tank to be setup and at least able to run in when i was traveling. So when i'm back to can move my old 3ft tank fish and coral to new house.
I kept calling my tank maker and stress him to deliver the tank.Finally till today we are almost complete.
New tank will be 6ft x 2.5ft x 2.5 ft redo the glass part to low iron glass.
sump 4.5ft x 2ft x 1.8ft
skimmer -detlec 851
h&s skimmer a110-f2000 running with Sander Ozonizer - C50
Cr -detlec 600s
Return pump Sequence Reeflo Pump – Hammerhead 1800l pump and eheim 1264
ocean motion 4 ways
Lightings -Giesemann SPECTRA HQ (E40) / T-5 1800 mm (3 x 250W / 4 x 80W)
2 x denitrader sulpher base.
Deltec KM 500
Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155
2 x vortex pump.
Chiller chilli down 1.5 hp with 30m titanium coil.


wow thats a nice system. as stressful as it may be once its all full of what u want it will be nice and relaxing to watch .is the back painted? cuz u my run into sunlight problems with all those windows behind it



this is for the eheim 1264 return pipes that run under the rock and sand bed to create a flow under it.
With the help of the scwd i can help alternates flow in the rock. straight thru the over flow box bottom .I will have minimum head loss that required it to go over the over flow box.So i place a check valve to prevent the water flow back to the tank