My new sump and fuge...


I made a new sump and fuge out of acrylic and some weld-on 3
Here's some pics of how it came out. The water goes to fuge, into sump and through baffled chambers to pump (trying to minimize bubbles)


I used a regular hole saw that you'd use for making a hole for a door nob. The kind with the pilot drill in the center. But, yeah, nothing special. Just had to be careful and go slow to prevent it from cracking.


Well, so far, I've noticed a considerable decline in bubbles. I made it 22 inches long, with a large water volume and a
'dual' baffle (the water first goes up, then goes down to get to the next chamber)
Seems to be working. I haven't added a sponge yet though. That could probably cut down a lot more.
The skimmer really is the worst with it ofcourse, if i can cut down on the bubble it puts off, well, atleast redirect them, i think they will almost all be gone.