my new tang


Active Member
hi everyone

i just got a new yellow tang from my lfs and i wanted to know what you guys think of it. i put some nori out for him to graze on. how often should i replace the nori? here he is

the last one is the best:

hope you enjoy!


I hate to be the first one to say this but, it looks like it has HLLE. You might want to see if you can take it back.
HLLE is Head and Lateral Line Erosion, and I agree, it appears to have it. Although I can never be 100% sure, best to seek a experts advise on here.


No it doesn't i have been through it before way back in the day. It is just starting but it will not take long to get worse. good luck.


Here's info I found that might be helpful since we can't link to other sites:
It appears as open pitted wounds around a fishes head and along the lateral line, as if something is slowly eroding away the flesh.HLLE disease in the short run is not fatal, but over the long run if the disease continues to progress the fish stops eating and becomes lethargic. The open wounds make the fish susceptible to other infections which in turn leads to the further deterioration of its health, and these secondary infections are what may eventually contribute to its demise.


Active Member
there isnt any medicine for it. the only way to treat it is good water quality and reduced stress. also, try soaking ur food in selcon when feeding the tang.


Active Member
I got the tang on friday and it came with the HLLE. I am currently feeding him omega one green algae. i rubberband it to a shell and replace it every 24-48 hours. i was reading online about HLLE, and i saw somewhere that i can cure it by increasing water quality and improving the diet. i think the food i'm feeding it right now is pretty good. here are my parameters:
DKH: 8-9
nycbob, what should i soak the algae in before i put it in the tank? thanks so much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
what percent do you think the tang has of recovering with the params and me soaking the food in the selcon?
Give some more info on your tank. How big is it? What are the other inhabitants? Do you have a grounding probe and/or have you checked for stray voltage?
From what I can see in the photos, your yellow tang is not in all that bad of shape. With good water quality, healthy feeding, and limited stressors - such a small degree of HLLE is a cinch to cure.


Active Member
my parameters are listed above. i am feeding him omega one algae sheets for grazers. i am also going to soak the algae in selcon before i feed it to him. i hope this cures it because i want him to live