My New Tank 125g RR part II


So it was getting unbearable to have to wait for all the pictures to load so I thought I would start a part II. This is good anyway because it is the beginning of the actual tank and its inhabitants.
This has been a long drawn out process since September when I first received the tank from, since then I have had a custom stand, electrical and plumbing routed and rerouted to make this tank nearly automated.
It is on a RODI drip with auto switch and backup. It has a timer for the water change with auto pump to both pump out the water and pump in the water. It has a solaris 28 day lunar cycle LED hood which controls every aspect of a nearly natural environment with cloud cover and proper sunrise and sunset according to my time zone. It has a closed loop system pumping about 3000gph and a sump/fuge return of 55g pumping about 1800 gph for a total turnover of 4800 gph or roughly 35-38x. Everything is hidden with a well integrated closed loop system into the rockwork.
Thanks to PSUSOCR1 I was able to acquire the LR and LS finally to finish off the setup process. I finished aquascaping yesterday, but would love criticism to make it even more amazing. The concept I want is a sandy ravine in the middle which I do have and odd shapes in the rock surrounding. Plus the side windows need to have a unique design as well as they are just as visible with one being on display through a window I cut into the wall to see the tank from the kitchen.
At this time there are no major inahibtants other than a cleaning crew a couple conch and two starfish that all came with the LR and LS. Will hopefully be adding some stuff soon...
Enjoy and comment as much as you like.



Some word of advice...Get rid of those starfish. I had a chocolate tip starfish and it would eat every zoa, polyp, and even LPS that i put in the tank. If you are having a FOWLR then he'll be a great scavenger.


Just a quick update. Tank has been up and running for some time now. There was some issue with cyano, but I have cleared that away. Now its just running everyday normally. I have slowly added two corals, frogspawn and xenia.
I have a question, in one of the photos i marked in green these small tubes. They started to grow, on that piece of coral skeleton...what are they? I haven't seen like feathers come out of them like a feather duster, but they are all over that one piece. Any ideas? Occasionally i see some stuff come out of them like fine strands, like you see come out of an anemone or frogspawn when its aggravated..any ideas? What coral should I add next?



Active Member
Inspiring....LOVE the recessed wall look. I showed my wife, and should we buy this house after our lease is up I will be doing the same thing....I now have plans
...thanks for the idea.
I showed her your picture and then took her to the spot where I would put it and painted a mental picture...she loved it....


realy nice job looks cool with two different piles kind of gives it the two different worlds look am curious to see how critters take to them


I have update my tank members. My current stock list includes:
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Hippo Tang
2 Bangaii Cardinals (New)
1 Lawnmower Blenny (New, replacement)
1 False Percula Clown (New, free with order)
1 Maroon Clown
1 Three Stripe Damsel
3 Cleaner Shrimp
3 Peppermint Shrimp
3 Emerald Crabs
1 Arrow Crab (New)
2 Bubble Tip Anemones (1 New)
1 Frogspawn
4 Mushrooms
1 Green Plate Coral (New)
Cleaner crew of blue hermits, red hermits, turbo snails, snails
Don't say anything about compatibility of animals, I believe in homeostasis and survival of the fittest. If any die, then it was meant to be. Otherwise, it will be a cool tank with all the critters that may not usually be living with each other.
Pictures available :


Originally Posted by tinmanny
realy nice job looks cool with two different piles kind of gives it the two different worlds look am curious to see how critters take to them

The seperate "reefs" do keep critters on there side and I think that aids in keeping species that may normally fight. For instance there is a BTA on each reef and the maroon takes one and the perc takes the other...