My New Tank... Any Ideas?


New Member
ok im getting my 42g acrylic tank this weekend and am wondering what i shoud get for it... i was thinking a 96 watt compact fluorescent for lighting (i want this to be a reef tank) and then have a dinky 15watt fluorescent bulb along with that... since its aleady attached and can just fit. Any ideas for fish? i want a coral beauty and a pair of percs (possibly a yellow tang too) post freely :D


sounds like a pretty cool tank...I bet that 96 watt floresences will look good, but u prob can only keep softies and maybe a elegance coral in that lighting :)


No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do NOT get a yellow tang in that size tank. Tangs, ALL tangs need a LARGE aquarium with plenty of space to roam and lots of food. A pair of percs and a coral beauty might be nice though


New Member
also... what kind of corals do u think i could have under that kind of lighting... should it be stronger than 96 watts for 42g?