thanks but i dont remember the name brand because i cut off the background was too big but if you want the next time i go to the pet store i will find out the brand name im surprised the pet stores enar you dont have them its cheep too
yeah i like watching them eat they eat so fast too once i put the food in its already almost gone ,the tank has been running for about 10 months about a month with fish
I have to admit that I like that background too....looks like a rippling water effect back there!!
Your trigger is awesome, so is your eel! I love rectangles, almost got one myself but instead ended up with a picasso. So how big is your rectangle and is that another trigger in there with it? Hard to tell by the pic....
In case you can't tell I really like triggers! :happy:
the rectangular is about 4 inches their was a flagtail about 2 inches but he died the rectangular didnt let him eat so now i only have 1 trigger and a sfe
Awesome tank Man. Makes me want to switch back to an aggressive trigger tank. However, I will say, Snowflakes are trouble makers. i bought several small clown triggers and tangs and they mysteriously disappeared. The snowflake was the culprit!