My New Tank


Since I sold my last reef tank (traveled to much this summer) that was sad. I ready for a new one. I'am going to buy a 60 Gallon hex from petland with cabnetor an 85 Hex from perfecto also with a cabnet put 3-4 live Deep sand bed. Live rock 50-80 Lbs depending on sizebuilt up in the middle of the tank like an island. I will put some maximum clams down on the bottom and two Hagen 402 or 802 for water motion. The fish I will add i'am not sure on yet they'll go in last. The coolest part is lighting I will only use one 400 Metal Halide with either a 10K or 20K bulb I have the light just not sure which bulb to buy. Not filter berlin style. What do all you guys and gals think.


Buy the 20k bulb then you won't have to put an actinic bulb on!
The 20 will cover the light spectrum you want!!